today, friday, happy day, sad day, it's my day
Posted in aku. 1 comments
here i am in computer's free time! yey.. this day is sooo happy, even i cry in morning because of my brother and father.. but i'm still happy. today after school, i'll meet my old friend. actually not so old but 2 months without any contact is so long for me. ^^ i miss her so much. :)
today's lesson at school is drive me crazy!! especially at math! *ugh* not so hard but needs a very very hard thinking! after math is chemistry.. just imagine! i've got my headache with all things named NUMBER. haha^^ but i"ve my break at english lesson in library. my friends is searching for the character they'll play in drama, but i'm not! why? it's not because i'm naughty lhoo.. i've got no part in that drama..yey! i become the leader of stage crew so i only preparing for the properties. but the properties are sooo many.. it's okay, rather than i have to play as someone.. i can't act..
cape ah ngomong inggris..hehe..cuma gaya doang ^^
kalo hari ini aku bakal ketemu camel, yang aku critain di postingan-postingan sebelumnya, minggu depan aku bakal ketemu putri..^^..waaa..seneng banget de. tanggal 26 pas ulang taun mira, putri dateng ke tangerang. trus rencananya mau make up trus siap siap bareng pingkan, putri. trus kalo esde ama jeannette jadi dateng, kita bakal bareng-bareng juga ^^ hehe..seneng de :)))) can't stop smilling!
akhir akhir ini banyaaakk banget yang aku kangenin.. mulai dari A sampe Z.. ada smua ^^
meskipun aku masih punya masalah di pelayanan gereja aku, tapi.. aku brusaha buat melupakan. rasanya capeee banget mikirinnya. banyak banget dilema. rasanya keberatan aja sama smuanya. huhu.. lupakan lupakan.. gamau inget inget lagi.. gamau mikirin lagi o.O bisa bisa mataku kayak panda jontor mikir smua masalah. hoho.jalanin aja dee^^ take it easy, do it with smile. and one thing! always pray for the problems i face.. ^^.. pray is changing everything
today's lesson at school is drive me crazy!! especially at math! *ugh* not so hard but needs a very very hard thinking! after math is chemistry.. just imagine! i've got my headache with all things named NUMBER. haha^^ but i"ve my break at english lesson in library. my friends is searching for the character they'll play in drama, but i'm not! why? it's not because i'm naughty lhoo.. i've got no part in that drama..yey! i become the leader of stage crew so i only preparing for the properties. but the properties are sooo many.. it's okay, rather than i have to play as someone.. i can't act..
cape ah ngomong inggris..hehe..cuma gaya doang ^^
kalo hari ini aku bakal ketemu camel, yang aku critain di postingan-postingan sebelumnya, minggu depan aku bakal ketemu putri..^^..waaa..seneng banget de. tanggal 26 pas ulang taun mira, putri dateng ke tangerang. trus rencananya mau make up trus siap siap bareng pingkan, putri. trus kalo esde ama jeannette jadi dateng, kita bakal bareng-bareng juga ^^ hehe..seneng de :)))) can't stop smilling!
akhir akhir ini banyaaakk banget yang aku kangenin.. mulai dari A sampe Z.. ada smua ^^
meskipun aku masih punya masalah di pelayanan gereja aku, tapi.. aku brusaha buat melupakan. rasanya capeee banget mikirinnya. banyak banget dilema. rasanya keberatan aja sama smuanya. huhu.. lupakan lupakan.. gamau inget inget lagi.. gamau mikirin lagi o.O bisa bisa mataku kayak panda jontor mikir smua masalah. hoho.jalanin aja dee^^ take it easy, do it with smile. and one thing! always pray for the problems i face.. ^^.. pray is changing everything
okee lupakan smuaaa! besok weekend! YAY! jgn trlalu dipikirin..nanti botak lohh. hehe :) ga mau botak kannn
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